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MonTransit Oakville Transit

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Real-time Oakville transit schedules and updates app

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Enhance your daily commute in Oakville, Ontario, with MonTransit Oakville Transit, designed to provide users with accessible and up-to-date Oakville Transit bus schedules. It seamlessly integrates essential transit information right at your fingertips. Stay informed with real-time updates and the latest transit news directly through Twitter feeds, ensuring you never miss important announcements or changes to your travel plans.

The integration with MonTransit allows for a hassle-free experience as soon as it's installed, presenting bus schedules within the main interface. While the icon is temporary, users can easily find and download the complementary MonTransit for free, creating a comprehensive transit tool.

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Available at no cost, the app prioritizes convenience and is open-source. Although installation on an SD card is possible, it is not recommended for optimal performance. The transit data hails from the GTFS file furnished by local Oakville authorities, ensuring accuracy and reliability. It requires permissions to access news and Twitter to deliver the latest updates. Please note that this tool functions independently and is not officially associated with Oakville Transit or the Town of Oakville.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by MTransit Apps.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about MonTransit Oakville Transit 1.2.1r1236

Package Name org.mtransit.android.ca_oakville_transit_bus
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
Author MTransit Apps
Downloads 1
Date Mar 21, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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